What Do You Call Your Vagina?

The vagina, a majestic place where life begins, a place so mysterious and wonderful only a few really know about it. You might be thinking, “Why only a ‘few’ when half of the world’s population live everyday with one?” True, but maybe so few women know about their vaginas because society has made the word kind of displeasing. It sounds more like a disease than it does Mother Nature’s beautiful creation. As children, our parents would give our vaginas cute nicknames like, “pee pee,” or, “nou nou,” because saying the atomically correct word to a 4 year old girl might have been too scary for her.

As we grow older, we see and hear about boys and men being taught to be comfortable with their penises by naming them, “Mr. Johnson,” “The Legend,” or “Superman.” What do these words have in common? They symbolize power and a sense of pride. On the other hand, woman have been taught to keep their vaginas a secret, especially as they got older, because it was not very lady-like to expose oneself in that manner. So by keeping our legs closed and referring to it as, “Down There,” “Private Parts,” or, “Area” made everyone else around them more comfortable. What do these words have in common? Shame and discomfort towards something so natural.

So it’s our turn ladies of all types! This is your chance to feel empowered and see that we owe ourselves a little more credit to our vaginas! So let’s figure this out, what are some empowering names that we can give to our little miracle? If you can’t think of any on the spot, I have taken the opportunity to make up and find some names you might be interested in. Some you might like, others not so much, but in the end it’s your choice.

20 Empowering Names for Your Vagina:

First, I present to you 10 of my favourite empowering names for your vagina!

  1. Kryptonite
  2. Fanny
  3. Va-jay-jay
  4. Madonna
  5. Flower
  6. Wizard’s Sleeve
  7. Lisa Simpson
  8. Mother of all Souls
  9. Lady garden
  10. Vertical Smile

Now I present to you 10 empowering names that I came up with!

  1. Taco
  2. Mrs. Smith
  3. The Revolution
  4. Beyoncé
  5. Lesbian Lover
  6. Best Friend
  7. Golden Treasure
  8. Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria
  9. Betty White
  10. Queen of England

Finally, here are some videos with even more fantastic names for your vagina!





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